What is CodeChain?

CodeChain is a blockchain platform tailored to support regulatory compliance and chain-level privacy for the next generation digital securities. It provides a full-fledged vertical technology stack that covers everything from security token issuance to post-issuance governance. KYC requirements, tier 1 privacy, voting, dividend payouts, vesting, banning users, freezing accounts, transaction restrictions, etc., all these features are already in place, and new requirements can be easily added.

The platform is composed of the CodeChain network, exchange, console, wallet, explorer and a liquidity provider layer. All of these are tooling services which tokenization projects can take advantage from to provide their investors with asset management apps and services with minimal customization.

The CodeChain Asset Exchange Protocol facilitates low friction peer-to-peer exchange of assets on the CodeChain network. The protocol achieves efficiency by relaying orders off-chain and performing settlements on-chain. Security token exchanges can be built on top of the Asset Exchange Protocol.

CodeChain console is a user-friendly portal where token configuration can be easily managed with few clicks even by asset managers with no engineering background. Minimal coding of a non-Turing complete script language will be needed if token requirements are complex.

Key features:

  • Legal compliance: Token-level built-in support for regulatory compliant issuance and transactions (KYC/AML)
  • Programmable assets: Instant dividend or interest payouts, buybacks, voting, vesting, asset composition/decomposition/recomposition
  • Increased liquidity: Native support for algorithm-based autonomous liquidity reserve mechanism
  • Public blockchain: Blockchain offers decentralized, secure, transparent, and immutable transactions
  • Privacy protection: Chain-level control over privacy for assets and owners
  • No issuance or trading fees: The platform only charges network transaction fees

On CodeChain, issuers can issue and investors can trade asset-backed tokens in a regulatory compliant way while enjoying chain-level privacy protection.

For more information, please visit our website or read the white paper.